Workload Assessment

workload mockup

Are you managing your workload effectively? This Workload Assessment tool helps leaders and teams evaluate their daily responsibilities, areas of oversight, and sources of frustration to improve productivity and well-being.

Key Areas Covered:

  • Daily Responsibilities – Identify tasks and responsibilities that consume your time.
  • Oversight & Leadership – Clarify the areas you oversee and the people who report to you.
  • Interruptions & Frustrations – Pinpoint what disrupts your workflow and what causes frustration when not completed.

Action Plan for Delegation:

  • Identify tasks you can delegate.
  • Determine the right people to assign them to.
  • Establish clear next steps for better workload management.

Personal Well-being Check:

Evaluate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 in:
Physical Rest – Are you getting enough rest?
Spiritual Life – How is your quiet time with God?
Joyful Activities – How often do you engage in hobbies that bring you joy?

This assessment is a practical tool for leaders and teams to optimize their workload, prioritize well-being, and create a healthier, more sustainable rhythm for work and life.