Discover Your Calling | Selah Leaders Podcast | Episode 6

Discovering Your Calling: A Biblical Perspective

Welcome to our latest blog post, where we delve into the profound topic of discovering your calling. This summary is based on a recent sermon that explored the biblical understanding of calling and how it applies to our lives. Whether you’re a seasoned believer or new to the faith, this post aims to provide clarity and practical insights on living out your God-given purpose.

What is Your Calling According to the Bible?

Understanding the Great Commission

The sermon emphasized that every believer shares the same fundamental calling: to fulfill the Great Commission. Jesus instructed His followers to “go into all the world and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). This calling is not limited to pastors or church leaders but extends to every Christian, regardless of their role in life.

Calling vs. Assignment

A key point made was the distinction between calling and assignment. While our calling remains constant—to make disciples—our assignments can change. Assignments are seasonal and can vary based on where God places us at different times in our lives. For example, you might be called to make disciples, but your current assignment could be as a teacher, a business leader, or a parent.

Misunderstandings About Calling

Calling is Not Your Identity

One common misunderstanding is equating calling with identity. The sermon highlighted that our identity is found in who God says we are, not in what we do. When we tie our identity to our roles or titles, we risk losing sight of our true purpose. God calls us to make disciples, and our assignments are merely the avenues through which we fulfill this calling.

The Danger of Position-Based Calling

Another misconception is that calling is tied to a specific position or role within the church. This can lead to devaluing other important roles and assignments. The sermon stressed that every role, whether in vocational ministry or not, is valuable in God’s eyes. We are all leaders in our respective spheres, and our primary task is to make disciples.

Practical Steps to Discover Your Calling

Reflect on Your Passions and Gifts

One practical step to discovering your calling is to reflect on your passions and gifts. What excites you? What are you naturally good at? These can be indicators of the unique assignments God has for you. However, remember that these assignments are tools to fulfill your primary calling of making disciples.

Seek God’s Guidance

Prayer and seeking God’s guidance are crucial in understanding your calling. Spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal His plans for you. Be open to His leading, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

Embrace Change

Be prepared for your assignments to change. Seasons of life bring different opportunities and challenges. Embrace these changes as part of God’s plan to use you in various ways to fulfill the Great Commission.

Applying the Sermon to Your Life

This week, challenge yourself to focus on your calling to make disciples. Reflect on your current assignment and ask yourself:

1. How can I make disciples in my current role?

2. Am I finding my identity in what I do, or in who God says I am?

3. Is my current assignment helping me fulfill my calling, or is it hindering it?

Questions for Reflection

1. What are some ways you can make disciples in your everyday life?

2. How can you ensure that your identity remains rooted in Christ and not in your role or title?

3. Are you open to God changing your assignment? How can you prepare for such changes?

By focusing on these questions and applying the principles from the sermon, you can gain a clearer understanding of your calling and how to live it out effectively.


Understanding your calling is a journey that involves recognizing the distinction between calling and assignment, finding your identity in Christ, and being open to God’s leading. By embracing these truths, you can live a life that fulfills the Great Commission and brings glory to God. Remember, your calling is to make disciples, and your assignments are the unique ways God uses you to accomplish this mission.
